F3. War on Christianity, Part 3: Commerce and Industry

Overview Christians need to realize what is at stake … the diversity movement threatens Christians’ ability to hold a job and earn a living … the LGBTQ lobby controls America’s corporate boardrooms … “the mark of the beast” … the Equality Act and “religious freedom.” Thought control in American businesses Did your mother ever tell … Read moreF3. War on Christianity, Part 3: Commerce and Industry

F4. War on Christianity, Part 4: The LGBTQ Lobby

Overview The LGBTQ lobby has made the most conscious and direct attack on Biblical Christianity of any group in America … they claim God on their side … they criticize “conversion therapy” … the Christian promise to LGBTQ people is the greatest promise of all … guilt and sin in LGBTQ movement … Human Rights … Read moreF4. War on Christianity, Part 4: The LGBTQ Lobby

F5. War on Christianity, Part 5: Is God in Control?

Overview Using Psalm 78 as a guide, we see how the false religion of inclusiveness causes us to test God … God’s judgment is  intolerant … no other power or philosophy can save us … God’s salvation has been planned by God since the beginning: It comes from a shepherd Savior who gave his life … Read moreF5. War on Christianity, Part 5: Is God in Control?

G1. Predestination Part 1: Introduction

Overview: Predestination defined … Predestination is different than foreknowledge. … Predestination is controversial among theologians. … Scientific materialism leads directly to predestination, and to the result that free will is just an illusion … the power of Christ saves from a materialistic dead end. Predestination defined An event is predestined if it is determined beforehand … Read moreG1. Predestination Part 1: Introduction

G2. Predestination Part 2: Predestination in the Bible

Overview: All Christians believe in predestination, at least in some specific instances … Predestination applies to major events, small events, and to individual souls … Predestination is not equitable, so to our limited view it may seem unfair … Paul’s response … Chosen-ness … Free will … the call to evangelize. All Christians believe in … Read moreG2. Predestination Part 2: Predestination in the Bible

G3. Predestination Part 3: Predestination Helps Us Understand Who God Is

Overview: God doesn’t rule one day at a time, but rules over all of time at all times. … God is like us in that he wants to be known for his accomplishments. … God’s name and his power will be declared throughout all the earth. … God has a plan in which evil must … Read moreG3. Predestination Part 3: Predestination Helps Us Understand Who God Is

G4. Predestination Part 4: Predestination Tells Us Who We Are

Overview: Before Jeremiah was born, God knew him (endowed him with the substance of Christ), consecrated him (set him aside for a holy task), and appointed him (made him God’s representative in an alien, foreign world). … God does something similar for all his people. … We are exiles and strangers, but predestination gives us … Read moreG4. Predestination Part 4: Predestination Tells Us Who We Are

D. Church Music: Staying the Plague

Overview: There’s a plague invading American churches — a plague of ear-splitting, brain-numbing music. … The popular excuse is that it appeals to young people. … Hypnotic effect … Would your church survive if you eliminated music entirely and preached like John the Baptist? … Would your people still come, to be healed by the … Read moreD. Church Music: Staying the Plague

C1. Does God rule over nature? Dialing 911 for planet earth

Overview: Increased frequency of natural disasters blamed on human interference, never connected with God. … But the Bible says God causes natural disasters. … The book of Revelation prophesies serious natural disasters, and says God’s aim is to bring man to repentance. … Even Christians don’t seem to be making the connection. … What people … Read moreC1. Does God rule over nature? Dialing 911 for planet earth